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Magnolia Middle School PTO - Membership Terms of Sale

Last Updated: November 2023

Thank you for choosing to become a member of Magnolia Middle School PTO. The following Membership Terms of Sale outline the terms and conditions associated with the purchase of PTO memberships. By completing the membership purchase, you agree to these terms.

1. Membership Eligibility:

a. Requirements: Membership is open to parents, guardians, teachers, and individuals interested in supporting the mission of MAMS PTO.

b. Student Membership: Student memberships may be available for students attending the school associated with MAMS PTO.

2. Membership Benefits:

a. Benefits Overview: Members are entitled to specific benefits, which may include voting rights, access to exclusive events, and participation in PTO activities.

b. Changes: MAMS PTO reserves the right to modify or adjust membership benefits at any time. Members will be notified of any changes.

3. Membership Fees:

a. Amount: The membership fee is as specified during the registration process.

b. Payment: Payment is due at the time of registration and can be made through the accepted payment methods specified.

4. Duration and Renewal:

a. Membership Term: Memberships are typically annual and expire at the end of the membership term unless renewed.

b. Renewal: Members will be notified about the upcoming expiration of their membership and will have the option to renew.

5. Cancellation and Refunds:

a. Cancellation: Membership fees are non-refundable. Please refer to our cancellation policy for details.

6. Membership Communication:

a. Contact Information: Members agree to provide accurate contact information for communication purposes.

b. Opt-Out: Members may opt-out of non-essential communications, but certain communications related to membership or essential information may be necessary.

7. Privacy:

a. Data Handling: Member information is handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please review our Privacy Policy for details.

8. Governing Law:

a. Jurisdiction: These Membership Terms of Sale are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of 501(c)3.

9. Contact Information:

a. Questions: If you have any questions or concerns about your membership or these Membership Terms of Sale, please contact us at

By becoming a member of MAMS PTO, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these Membership Terms of Sale. Thank you for being a valued member of our PTO community.

Magnolia Middle School PTO - Fundraiser Terms of Sale

Last Updated: November 28th 2023

Thank you for participating in the fundraising efforts organized by MAMS PTO. The following Fundraiser Terms of Sale outline the terms and conditions associated with the purchase of products or participation in fundraising events. By making a purchase or contributing to our fundraiser, you agree to these terms.

1. Fundraiser Purpose:

a. Mission: The purpose of the fundraiser is to support Magnolia Middle School PTO's mission and fund specific programs, events, or initiatives.

b. Transparency: Magnolia Middle School PTO is committed to transparency in communicating how funds raised will be utilized.

2. Product or Service Descriptions:

a. Accuracy: We strive to provide accurate and detailed descriptions of our fundraising products or services. However, there may be instances where information, including pricing, may contain inaccuracies. In such cases, we reserve the right to correct any errors or omissions.

3. Pricing:

a. Currency: All prices are in USD unless otherwise stated.

b. Changes: Prices are subject to change without notice. Once you place an order, the price remains fixed for that transaction.

4. Orders:

a. Acceptance: All orders are subject to acceptance and availability. We reserve the right to reject or cancel an order at any time.

b. Cancellation: Orders may be canceled within a specified time frame. Please refer to our cancellation policy for details.

5. Payment:

a. Methods: We accept payments through [Payment Methods]. You agree to provide accurate and complete payment information.

b. Authorization: By providing payment information, you authorize us to charge the specified amount for your purchase or contribution.

6. Delivery of Products:

a. Shipping Charges: If applicable, shipping charges are calculated based on the delivery location and method chosen during the checkout process.

b. Delivery Times: Estimated delivery times are provided for your convenience. Delays may occur due to unforeseen circumstances.

7. Fundraiser Events:

a. Participation: If the fundraiser involves events, participants agree to adhere to event guidelines and safety regulations.

b. Refunds: Refunds for event participation may be subject to specific terms outlined in our refund policy.

8. Refunds and Returns:

a. Eligibility: Refunds and returns are subject to our Refund and Return Policy. Please review this policy for detailed information.

b. Condition: Returned items must be in their original condition, and you may be responsible for return shipping costs.

9. Tax Deductibility:

a. Consultation: For information on the tax deductibility of your contribution, we recommend consulting with a tax professional.

10. Contact Information:

a. Questions: If you have any questions or concerns about your purchase or contribution, please contact us at

By participating in Magnolia Middle School's PTO fundraiser, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these Fundraiser Terms of Sale. Your support is crucial to the success of our community, and we appreciate your contribution.

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